Anonymonstrosity Improvised dark atmospheric electronic music. Bingo Buttbanker on vocals and live programming. Lesson One on tapes, keyboard, and effects. |
Dying and Rising Post-apocalyptic folk. Greg Elliot on vocals and acoustic guitar. Megan Keith on drums, vocals, bodhran, and melodica. S. A. on acoustic guitar and vocals. |
This Dog's a Lion 2005-07. Vincent Durcan on drums, Brandi DiPietro on bass and vocals, S. A. on guitar and vocals. |
The Shutaways 2013-14. Milton Sullivan () on guitar and vocals. Bryan Nall () on guitar. Sean Kamperman on bass. S. A. on drums. |
The Lambs 1997-99. Jason Andres, McKee Andrus, S. A., Dave Keen, and Keith Yarbrough. |
Hurt a Fly 1999-2001. Keith Yarbrough on drums. Jason Andres and S. A. on guitar and vocals. Chris Hillen (1999-00) and Curtis Dashner (2000-01) on bass and vocals. |
juvenilia 1989-1995. Bean, Inspector Vegetable, Today's Forecast, Parrot Sketch, Circling Poets. |